\/ He's supposedly a nice kid...... but maybe those two videos together had a toxic reaction with one another.
Joined on 4/7/12
\/ He's supposedly a nice kid...... but maybe those two videos together had a toxic reaction with one another.
Ohh those russians.
bro that first song....good shit
Hell yeah it is! thats my ringtone and text tone.
'Tis quite awesome indeed.
l: Ra ra rasputin!
Yeah, now that Bolton's pop-fame is over with, we can appreciate his voice (and good humor).
Once I saw the petrified white crowd in the Rasputin vid, I remembered it - that dude was like the Karl Rove of his day.
This is the tale! of captain jack sparrow!
oh its not my ringtone or text tone :3 im phoneless atm lol
Get on that, Nick must be panicking.
Pfff :l I never panic l:
do too ;l
panic bout what? e.O
not hearing your voice... i dunno. why would I know?
To think I had use snail mail back in HS for a LDR. Kinda glad she got married before I graduated though... she wasn't kickin' the IQ score very high.
LDR... dont work for me. work for others, good for them, i like to see the person ya know... in person.
Just cause she's phoneless doesn't mean we don't call bro xD
hence :l why would i know :l Jesus :l get a hold of your worry-some self :l
i am so confused ._.
Be confused... be very confused...
He's being a jokester l:
No YOU are being a jokester :l
eh im used to confusion any way
GO go power rangers!
power rangers are lame :P
Digimon digital monsters digimon are the CHAMPIONS?
Ra ra rasputin l:
russia's greatest love machine
now yer just being mean -_- its not my fault i dont understand!!! D':
you had no childhood.
oh so i was magically over 18 all my life?!?! ._. yah i can live with that! :D awesome :P
I cannot. All dem 90's shows... you watched none ?!
It's one of your perks as the only person born ever, and everyone else being adopted xD
Ya know :l Twilight sparkle is best pony :l
Brony D:<!
l: :l
pffftttsss rainbow dash is better
Nahhh. its all about flutter shy.
That first video man...... ain't the first I've seen of it (being hatched in the 70's 'n all)
[whoa, layout changed while writing this - how futuristic!]
Dunno what to say about he second video (or the first)
Really just want to go running and crying back the the 20th century........
Ra ra Rasputin.. Russia's greatest love machine. thats my ringtone. The second video man. its legit stuff aint it?